2,010 Reasons to Enjoy Every Day

So, as I stated I am on a journey of peace and positivity in my life.  The drama and struggles really begin to get old after awhile and you recognize something has got to give.  The only way to recieve a different result is to do something different - point blank!!!!. 

Yesterday, I decided that I would share my reasons to enjoy each day and not take anymore for grated.  So I came up with the 2,010 Reasons to Enjoy Every Day, which I started on facebook, but then I figure why not share with my few followers, lol!  Everyday I plan on updated my status as well as blog with my 5 or 6 reason for that day and my goal is to inspire people to truly appreciate how blessed they really are and also not duplicate my reasons.  Now I know as well as anyone else there are well over 2,010 reasons but you have to start somewhere and why not with the entrance of a new decade. 

1) GOD woke you up this morning
2) You never know who you will inspire today
3) Or who will inspire you
4) Today may be the day your promise is fulfilled
5) God loves you
6) God is faithful
7) New Opportunities
8) Once a second is gone it is lost forever - so don't waste time
9) Things could always be worse
10) Someone is praying for you

As always,

Peace and have a Blessed Day!

I love this song and always listen when I need a pick me up ;-)


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