Adapting to Change

My last post was on change and the ability to except change,but once we except change we also have to adapt.  Recently, there has been a major change in my life and I though adapting to the change wouldn't be as difficult as it has been.  I have always been a planner and a to do list person, but now that I have the ability to put those ideas and plans into action I feel like I have hit a road block. That same determination and drive to make thinks happen when I wasn't able to is slowly fading away.  Why? I am sure I can come up with many excuses, but at the end of the day my family depends on it and I just plain refuse to fail.  So, I think remaining focused on the reason for the change is key to not getting down and depressed.  I continue to pray that my destiny is fulfilled and I haven't lived this life in vain, so not only will I except change but I will adapt and smile doing so. 

Be blessed and don't take anything for granted.


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