"I'm Not A Doormat"

A big part of me creating "A Beautiful You" was to learn and explore who I am as well as encourage others to do the same if they found themselves at a fork in the road.  One thing I am learning about this process is it is okay to be selfish. 

People tend to look at the term "selfish" and assume the negative but when you continue to put people before yourself that are draining and taking more from you then they are putting within it is okay to let go.  It is completely okay and it isn't being selfish.  I know that I can be a "people pleaser" at times,  and for along time I never stopped to evaluate the type of indivduals I allowed into my life.  For a people pleaser like myself, it is real easy to begin to feel like your spinning in circles making sure everyone else is okay, but at the end of it all you're wore out and their hand is still out! 

So, be selfish sometimes and say no without regret - they'll live and so will you, just a lot longer!

Be Blessed, Stay Focus and Live Life!


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